######################################################################## # Die Client-Server Verbindung ist im Splittunnel-Modus, d.h. nur die # Daten die an die FAU adressiert sind gehen ueber die verschluesselte # Verbindung zum VPN-Server. ######################################################################## # Wir sind der Client client # Verbindung per IP-Netz, nicht per Bridge dev tun # UDP, weils schneller ist proto udp # Der Server remote 1194 # Keep trying indefinitely to resolve the # host name of the OpenVPN server. Very useful # on machines which are not permanently connected # to the internet such as laptops. resolv-retry infinite # Most clients don't need to bind to # a specific local port number. nobind # Downgrade privileges after initialization (non-Windows only) ;user nobody ;group nobody # Try to preserve some state across restarts. persist-key persist-tun # If you are connecting through an # HTTP proxy to reach the actual OpenVPN # server, put the proxy server/IP and # port number here. See the man page # if your proxy server requires # authentication. ;http-proxy-retry # retry on connection failures ;http-proxy [proxy server] [proxy port #] # Wireless networks often produce a lot # of duplicate packets. Set this flag # to silence duplicate packet warnings. mute-replay-warnings # Zertifikat unserer OpenVPN-CA ca RRZE-VPN-CA.crt # Der Benutzer authentifiziert sich per Username/Passwort auth-user-pass # Verify server certificate by checking # that the certicate has the nsCertType # field set to "server". This is an # important precaution to protect against # a potential attack discussed here: # http://openvpn.net/howto.html#mitm ns-cert-type server # Select a cryptographic cipher. # If the cipher option is used on the server # then you must also specify it here. cipher AES-256-CBC # Jedes Byte weniger ist gut comp-lzo # 0 waeren nur fatale Fehler # 1 ist normal # 3 ist eine gute Mischung verb 3 # Wenn 5 mal das gleiche geloggt wird, glauben wirs mute 5